Step 1: Starting From Scratch, Know Your Enemies

"I have cravings. I can calorie restrict, but eventually I freak out and binge! Usually on things I know aren't good for me. Whyyyyy???!!!"

The easy answer is that you are a malnourished addict.

Chemicals in food are addictive. Unnatural sugars are addictive. Bad fats aren't addictive, but they make shit food taste good. These are your enemies in your fight for beauty.

Add on that the foods you eat don't actually give you what your body needs. Your body asks you for nourishment the only way it knows how... FEED ME!! And eventually you do. And it often becomes a binge. And then you end up feeling like a failure, or a fat loser, and that's the up side. The down side is that you may purge to compensate, which damages your body and FURTHER depletes your body's nutrients. Or you may hit the laxatives, which also further depletes your nutrients. Purging and Laxi's will cause your body to beg for more nutrients to replace what you lost, and the binge cycle starts over again. Too bad, so sad.

Step 1: Start from Scratch

You need a body reset. Something that will cure you of the addictions in your body. Sadly, this includes caffeine... at least temporarily. To reset your body you must to a 2 week Atkins Induction Phase diet. (Longer than 2 weeks only if you want to.) That means 14 days of carb counting to stay under 20 grams of digestible carbs per day.

Find the nutritional information of the food you are going to eat. Here's the formula:
You have the digestible carb count for the food.

If you do not, you start over.

2 weeks is usually enough time to cure the addictions. Its an awful 2 weeks too. Expect horrible withdrawls including headaches, nausea, fatigue, and nasty-ass mood swings.

If you have to binge... fuck me for saying it... but yes, you binge on meats, cheese, eggs, or green salad with a vinegarette... because they have few to NO carbs. When you're done with this 2 week period you will mostly quit those foods, but right now, they are your addiction slaying mercenaries and you need them.

This will cure your addictions to a tolerable degree. Eventually you will never want to see a cube of cheese again. I know I hated eating on this diet. It's enough to turn one vegan. But it WORKS!

After this 2 weeks you will be free to put any sort of nutritional lifestyle you choose in place, and it is far more likely to stick. I have done this, and personally can promise you that if you do it, it will work.

"What will it do to my weight?"

You might actually bump up a couple pounds because the food weighs more, and then go back to losing weight because your body will burn fat in ketosis. Ketosis sets in on the 3rd day or so.

You can do it on salads, veggies, and starvation, but it's easier to do it by including fatty foods like meats and cheeses. Honestly, it doesn't matter how you do it as long as you stay under that 20 carb limit. Our goal here is to do what we're good at, sacrifice feeling good in order to look good.

Warning: If you eat the fats and then go over your carb limit, you will fuck yourself. That is exactly how to get fat. Do it right, or don't do it. This is Pro-Ana Optimal Boot Camp. It is the hardest part of the process. It is also not much harder than what we do already, so no excuses.

Note: It is recommended to ditch caffeine too because it is an addiction as well. It can also be a useful weightloss tool. You will not lose much weight during this 2 weeks if you continue having caffeine. It will mess up the ketosis. On the other hand, the goal here is to get off our carb addictions which we can do caffeine or no. So the caffeine thing is up to you. I do not recommend it though.

There you go! That's Step 1! Bring on the pain! ;)


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