Quick Tip List

"Help! I can't deal with chunks! Please just tell me what I need to know in short little nibbles!"
If you must eat, at least do it right. Here are the quick tips to live by:
  1. Know your power foods!
    • Avocado
    • Broccoli
    • Blueberries
    • Lentils
    • Quinoa
    • Salmon
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Tomatoes
  2. If you want to keep it simple, NEVER eat anything with ingredients.
    Only eat foods that are whole and natural, preferably raw. Forget anything with ingredients unless you prepared or cooked it yourself.
    (Make sure any raw fish comes from a trustworthy source.)

  3. Remember that Fat doesn't make you fat, Sugar does. Without carbs, you cannot get fat and cannot keep fat on you.

  4. Go raw! Get a raw 'cookbook' and stick to it. Even just one is fine, they will get you on the right track. Living Cuisine: The Art and Spirit of Raw Foods by Renee Loux Underkoffler is my favorite.

  5. Color coordinate! Pick a bunch of naturally colorful stuff to eat. The more colors, the more vitamins, the more vitamins, the healthier you'll be. 
Remember, if you get to your goal weight eating shit, you'll end up looking like shit anyway!

If you calorie restrict, you MUST make sure those few calories carry the MOST nutrients possible to make you beautiful.

P.S. DON'T SMOKE! I know you've heard that before, but if you don't, you may as well be fat. Smoking rots you from the inside out, ages you, and then kills you. The end. If you care how you look, want to be loved, want to be gorgeous, look young, etc. you can't be a walking, stinking, aging tar ball.

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